

Jivahn Moradian

I am an adventurer, a teacher, and a project manager at an AI startup who wants to help make people more informed, interconnected, and tolerant.

I grew up in India and in France with an American mother and an Indian father. After completing the intensive French scientific baccalaureate examinations, I studied economics at Princeton University in the USA for my bachelor's degree. I then received a master's degree in innovation and management at Imperial College in the UK. Traveling to new places and exploring the outdoors fascinates me. In my spare time, I enjoy playing cards and going on walks (which can range from casual strolls around the neighbourhood to inter-city treks to intense mountain hiking).

jivahn moradian headshot


My good fortune has been to travel to 49 countries (and counting!). The objective of this website is to help people learn about countries and cultures they otherwise might never discover, using my travel experience to make their history more accessible than your standard history textbook. Each country's page has 7 paragraphs, organized in the following structure:

  • Paragraph 1: An introduction to my experience in the country.
  • Paragraph 2: A summary of the city (or cities) I visited, with some historical background.
  • Paragraphs 3-4: Background about the country's history and/or geopolitics.
  • Paragraphs 5-7: Pictures I took during my visit placed in historical and/or geographical context.
sunset on the beach in bali

DISCLAIMER: Most of the information I cover is from common knowledge verified with general online sources. All country statistics (life expectancy, population...) come from the CIA World Factbook. I do not claim to be an expert, so if you catch any inaccuracies, please let me know so that I can change it. Also, I have tailored my writing to my network, which is based in the U.S. or in Western Europe, so keep that in mind when reading (I do try my best to remain neutral and accessible to people from all countries).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I must first and foremost thank my mother Ann Moradian, and my father Khodadad Moradian, for exposing me to the world, and for their help editing this. I also am very grateful for all the friends with whom I have had the pleasure of traveling and adventuring.